What is Functional Fitness?
A lot of times when people think about exercise, they think about body builders, or athletes who push their bodies to the absolute limit to prepare themselves for competition, but what about someone who just wants to get in shape, maybe look good in the mirror, and be able to perform everyday tasks without struggling or risking injury. Enter, functional fitness.
Functional fitness, or functional training is an exercise regiment that focuses on strengthening the muscles and body systems (think cardiovascular health and walking up steps without getting winded) that are used in your everyday life. Movements such as squatting, pulling, pushing, walking, bending, and core strengthening (which is used for stability and balance) are focused on during a functional fitness workout.

What Are the Benefits of Metanoia's Functional Fitness Group Classes?
Improves your everyday life: Functional training helps you perform your everyday tasks. It strengthens muscles that are used for picking up your children, moving boxes in the garage, even getting in and out of your chair is made easier by functional training
Increased Mobility: Functional fitness helps improve stability, coordination, flexibility, muscular strength and agility.
Improves Balance and Posture: In addition to mobility, because your muscles are being trained to work together, functional training also improves your balance.
Reduced Risk of Injury: By using movements that are used in everyday life while training, your body will be more able to withstand stressors. Not only does functional training strengthen muscle it ALSO strengthens ligaments which are both highly susceptible to injury if not strengthened.
Improved Metabolism: Because the Functional Fitness group classes keep your heart rate elevated, they will help reawaken your metabolism to help you burn calories even when you are resting which will aide in maintaining a healthy weight.
Join a Functional Fitness Group Class at Metanoia Wellness today!